Saturday, May 2, 2020

Corona Virus: May 2

Not much new.  Henderson County continues to see outbreaks at senior housing.  I am beginning to think we made the wrong decision re testing when it was (and probably still is) limited.  What we could have done was that if someone was symptomatic and had none of the risk factors they should not have been tested.  They should have been told to assume they were positive and act accordingly.

Instead we should have pro-actively tested all of the staff in senior housing along with random testing of the seniors.

For most folks who are positive there is no reason to get any health care.  Most will recover with or without seeing a doctor or going to a hospital.  Some will die with or without health care.

Data points

- Overall US cases remain flat.  No sign of either a spike or the downhill slope.  Doesn't look like we are any where near stressing health care capacity (see above).

- NC continues to be under stay at home orders.  Number of cases continue to increase linearly (not exponentially).

- GA relaxed stay at home orders and there trend line is down.  That is if you believe their numbers.

- HVL had a spike this week

I did some bargain hunting last week.  Purchased F.  Risky but seems like there is more upside than downside.  My other buy of SBUX has worked at well.

Daily life

- Yard work
- Walks at Kellogg
- Watch 2 hours of TV at night (This is Us and Little Fires Everywhere)
- Reading The Civil War
- Using the stationary bike while watching The Last Dance
- Listening to the 2008 Spong lecture
- Listening to Bloomberg Surveillance podcast
- Watching the great courses lecture on Modern Political Tradition
- Reading Sherlock Holmes to Karel at bed time.
- Trying to catch up on the Economist.