Thursday, January 10, 2008

Ticket to Ride

Well, the NH primary was discouraging. Clinton won and Guiliani wasn't buried by Ron Paul so the dread Clinton-Guiliani race is still a possibility.

If that occurs we need an independent ticket and I have a better idea than Mike Bloomberg.

The 2008 Dream Team

President - Colin Powell, VP - Bill Bradley

They announce the following choices for their cabinet.

Secretary of Defense - John McCain
Secretary of State - Al Gore
Secretary of Treasury - Mike Bloomfield
Attorney General - John Edwards
Head of Homeland Security - Mitt Romney
Head of EPA - Ralph Nadar

1 comment:

InGenius Festival - Voices from the Writers' Forum said...

Ralph Nader? Are you kidding? Let's get a real visionary in there like Hunter Lovins, Paul Hawken, Bill McDonough, Mathis Wackernagel (not that any of these people would actually want the job...)